Interview With Michael Finney–On the Direction of Health Care, 6/4/16
Posted on July 15, 2016 at 2:51 pm
Here is a radio interview I did with Michael Finney, KGO TV (Channel 7) consumer news reporter, on the direction I see health care moving in this country. We talked, among other things, about the differences, and similarities, between Bernie and Hillary on how we get to universal coverage. I explained to Michael how the changes in the health care system over the last several years have deeply impacted providers; about how most people have no idea about the reimbursement cuts most doctors have had to take; and more. So check it out and feel free to let me know your thoughts on this subject.
One thought on “Interview With Michael Finney–On the Direction of Health Care, 6/4/16”
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Insightful interview. Important that the public gets this exposure on how little docs get as payment for professional services and how much others make . Big Pharma, hospitals and Carriers are reaping the most money in the delivery of healthcare to the detriment of the consumer.